About / Opportunities

Join us at FPAN


The FPAN Graduate Assistantship in Public Archaeology is offered to an incoming graduate student in Anthropology or Historical Archaeology at UWF. Support includes tuition during fall and spring semesters (summer support may be available), plus a quarter-time assistantship for the first two years and a half-time assistantship for the third year. During the first two years, the student holding this position will work in the public archaeology program for the FPAN Northwest Region. During the third year, the student will work with FPAN Executive Director Dr. Mary Furlong Minkoff on a thesis representing a substantive contribution to the field of public archaeology or to public archaeology programming in Northwest Florida.

Students interested in this Graduate Assistantship should be prepared to make a three year commitment to the Florida Public Archaeology Network culminating in preparation of a thesis focusing on public archaeology. For more information contact Dr. Mary Furlong Minkoff via email or by phone: 850-595-0050 ext. 101.

To be considered for the UWF Graduate Assistantship in Public Archaeology, please submit a Statement of Interest to Dr. Mary Furlong Minkoff at mminkoff@uwf.edu that addresses the following:


  1. How will the knowledge and skills gained through this assistantship help you in achieving your career goals?
  2. What experience do you have with presenting archaeology (or similar subjects) to a public audience, public speaking or writing, or working with volunteers?


For more information on the UWF graduate program in Anthropology/Historical Archaeology, visit the Department of Anthropology Graduate Programs page.

All application materials, including the Statement of Interest, are due to the UWF Department of Anthropology by January 15.