
Mike Thomin, M.A.

Director of Education and Interpretation

Mike Thomin is the Director of Education and Interpretation at the Florida Public Archaeology Network’s Coordinating Center and a Faculty Research Associate at the University of West Florida. With an M.A. in history/public history, Mike has dedicated nearly two decades to his career as a museum professional, specializing in public archaeology, heritage education, historic preservation, and nonprofit management. He has worked with local communities, state, federal, and international partners on heritage projects through grants and collaborations, both in the United States and abroad.

Currently, Mike serves as the President of the St. Michael’s Cemetery Foundation of Pensacola Inc. and is the co-founder and Treasurer of the Northwest Florida Maritime Landscape Alliance of Preservation. His passion for maritime history is reflected in his certifications as an SDI computer nitrox diver, SDI advanced diver, and AAUS scientific diver. He has also lent his expertise to television shows and documentaries about maritime history and archaeology, including those on the Travel Channel and the Discovery Channel.

Mike’s research interests encompass public history, maritime history, filmmaking, maritime archaeology, public archaeology, museum studies, and heritage interpretation. His scholarly work has been published in numerous journals, including Legacy, Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies, The Museum Review, Journal of the American Revolution, Journal of Archaeology and Education, Pensacola History Illustrated, and the ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings. Additionally, he co-authored a chapter in the book “Deadman’s Chest: Even More Archaeology of Piracy” (University of Florida Press).